Around 1 in 7 couples have difficulty conceiving.  Whether you are currently trying to conceive or planning for the future, a Fertility Check-up can help you understand more about your fertility.

For the month of April we are offering a 30% reduction on all Fertility Check-ups, saving up to £250.00.

Fertility Assessment  Normal Price   Promotional Price   Saving 
Basic Lady’s Assessment  £          390  £          260  £            130
Advanced Lady’s Assessment   £          650  £          433  £            217
Male Assessment   £          300  £          200  £            100
Couple’s Assessment   £          750  £          500  £            250

These check ups include either a personal or joint results consultation with a reproductive medicine specialist.  For more information on what is included please visit our Fertility Check Up page fertility-assessments.

If you would like book an appointment please contact our dedicated team on 01482 689040 or email

Please quote reference FCU23 to receive the discounted rate.