We appreciate that everyone will be naturally concerned about the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.


Here at Hull & East Riding Fertility we are following the situation very carefully with the care of all our patients and staff in mind.


Please continue to be mindful of the most up to date guidance and do not come into the clinic if you have had a high temperature and/or a continuous cough in the last 14 days.  In addition, if you have travelled to a high risk area or have been in contact with any person who has been confirmed as having COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please do not come to the Unit.


Currently, there is no evidence, nor guidance, that suggests that your treatment cannot continue as planned.  However, to ensure the smooth running and continuity of our service to you, we have made some necessary changes which are detailed below:  (Please be aware that as the situation evolves we will update the below information)


Accompanying Friends and Relatives:


In an effort to minimise the footfall in the clinic, we are asking that only patients (including partners) attend appointments until further notice.


Telephone consultations:


We are moving all our Follow Up consultations, where possible, to telephone consultations.  If you already have an appointment booked for a follow up consultation we will be in contact with you shortly to arrange this to be carried out over the telephone.


Frozen Embryo Transfers:


To ensure we have the capacity to safely complete fresh treatment cycles, if you have a planned FET cycle but have not, as yet, started treatment, we will be contacting you shortly to arrange for this cycle to be postponed for a period of time.


Andrology Services:


From Monday 23rd March, until further notice, our ‘drop in’ Andrology service will be suspended.  We will continue to review the situation on a weekly basis and provide updates as necessary.  This does not affect appointments for Semen Evaluations carried out on site, within the unit, other than non-essential tests.


Fertility Preservation Patients:


We will endeavour to continue with all appointments, and treatments, relating to Fertility Preservation.



Pre-assessment Scans:


A decision has been made to carry out Pre-Assessment scans at your Down Regulation appointment rather than in advance of treatment.   If you already have an appointment booked for a Pre-Assessment Scan we will be contacting you shortly to cancel this.


Clinic Show Rounds & Baby Visits:


In light of the current climate, no Clinic Show Rounds or baby visits will be arranged until further notice.


Advice for pregnant ladies:


Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists continue to advise that there is currently no new evidence to suggest that pregnant women are at greater risk from coronavirus (COVID-19) than other healthy individuals, or that they can pass the infection to their baby while pregnant.



Cancellation of Treatment Cycles:


If your treatment cycle has started, and you are fit and well, we recommend that you complete your treatment.  If you are planning a fresh treatment cycle, there is no reason why this cannot commence as planned, however as the situation evolves we will discuss this with you on an individual basis.


If you do need to cancel a treatment cycle please contact us for further advice.


We have contingency plans in place to operate with reduced staffing levels; however, in the unlikely event that the clinic is unable to complete your treatment cycle, we will ensure that this is at no additional cost to you (with the exception of any additional drugs).


For general advice on (COVID-19), please refer to the current national guidance, this can be found here