In order to allow us to consolidate and build upon our position as one of the region’s most successful fertility clinics, we are looking to relocate the Unit within the next 2 years.
The right location and facilities are very important to both the smooth running of the Unit and our patients’ care. Therefore after considering various options, we have taken the decision to build a new, purpose built clinic.
The prospective site is located at The Hesslewood Estate on the outskirts of Hull. Situated within a tranquil landscaped area, the proposed new building would overlook the Humber Bridge and Country Park. The building will be designed to support modern medical requirements, providing high end patient care in a purpose built facility. There will also be a private car park for exclusive use by patients and staff.
We have recently submitted a Planning Application to East Riding of Yorkshire Council; it will take approximately 3 months to complete the Planning Application process. Once we know the outcome of this process, we will provide regular updates on our website as well as our Social Media feeds.
Please be assured that our priority, as always, is the care of our patients, both NHS and Private; this includes their eggs, sperm and embryos that we have stored here at the Unit. A significant amount of planning will be carried out over the coming months to ensure that there is no impact on patients having treatment or the environment in which gametes and embryos are stored.
We take pride in having no waiting list for patients wishing to start treatment and this will remain the case during the period of relocation. There will be no impact on patient care or their treatment plans.
If you have any queries or suggestions in relation to our proposed relocation plans please email us on